The Prison

In the class of L/L Writing we have to write a Diary about "The Prison", like if the main character it was me and I was writing what happened.

Dear Diary:

It was Monday in the candy store and as always, one girl came, she asked me for some tissues, when I went to take the tissues I saw her stealing two chocolates. When she paid for the tissues, I was triyng to tell her that I saw her, but I got really nervous and I couldn´t, she lookes at me like if nothing happened so I said bye without saying anything. I didn´t said anything because I´m a coward.
Last Monday I was waiting for the girl to buy the tissues, when the girl entered to the candy store, I didn´t say anything. I wanted to see if she stole and I went to take the tissues andin the mirror I saw the girl stealing the two chocolates. When she came to pay, I get stuck again and I couldn´t tell her that I saw what she had donde. When she went out, I tried to stop her but I couldn´t find her.
One week later, It was Monday, I waited for her but she never came, so I went to sleep. When I wake up, I went down and I saw Rosa hitting her, I tried to stop her but she didn´t hear me so I hit Rosa, too. I tried to tell the girl that I wouldn´t call the police and her mum, but she was already there. She hit her, too and the girl thrust out at me her red tongue.


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