Essay "The prison"

In the class of Literature we read a story called "The prison" and in the class of Writing the teacher told us to write an essay about this story

"The prison", written by Bernard Malamud, talked about Tommy, that because of some problems of stealing he had, now the consequences made him feel like in a "prison". This essay will analyse some themes of the story, which are Life as Prison and Hope for a Change.

The first theme that is "Life as Prison" explained why Tommy's life was like a "prison". Being oblaiged to marry with someone he did not want and work in a place he never chose, that was what made him feel in a "prison". "Tony would marry her and the father-in-law would out of his savings"

The second theme which is "Hope for a change" talked about Tommy and the little girl, and how he feels reflect in his past with her. So, he wants to explain to her the consequences of stealing, maybe she would stop doing it. "He found himself thinking about the way his life has turned out, and then about his girl, moved that she was so young and a thief"

This essay talked about "The prison" and what is this story about, it also mentioned the themes "Life as prison" and "Hope for a change". In my opinion this story gave us like a moral for this life, if you do bad things like stealing the consequences will be bad, like the little girl. So, I think this story is a good story to learn about life.

Resultado de imagen para the prison images bernard malamud


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