Deep inside a story

After reading and analysing the play "A view from the bridge", written by Arthur Miller, me and my partner, Pilar Nieves, created an inphographic presentation to show the different characteristics ofones of the main characters "Eddie" and "Catherine"


  1. Girls,
    You did a very nice infographic. However there are some things to correct, not only related to grammar and spelling but also to content. You say that from the very beginning Eddie reveals his incestuous love for Catherine, when that's not really true. In fact, you used the same quote to say that it shows how caring he is and then how incestuous he is, which is a contradiction.
    On the other hand, Catherine doesn't think she is immature, on the contrary, she's trying to act like a grown-up.
    Be careful with the words reveal and rebel, they are not the same. To reveal is to show and a rebel is a person that stands agains something established.
    I really liked you personal response to the characters. It shows you have actually tried to place yourselves in their shoes.
    Well done!
    Mark: 9 (nine)


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