
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017

¿Como controlo todos mis movimientos?

A veces me pregunto como es que funciona mi cuerpo y como realizo mis movimientos, entonces empece a investigar y realice un mapa conceptual sobre el sistema nervioso, sus partes y funciones de cada una de ellas Your browser does not support frames. View this mind map on its original site. It was created using Mindomo mind mapping software. Make your own mind maps with Mindomo .

As I were Hanna Baker

In the Language with the teacher Andrea Shejter, we are seeing a series called "Thirteen reasons why" and we had to write a diary entry as we were Hanna Baker (the principal character) describing one of the chapters.  I wrote about the part were Hanna goes to the party and she starts having fun with Clay and then they go to the room and they start kissing. Hanna told Clay to stop and when Clay left the room, there is when she sees what she saw. I chose this part because any boy who sees this will know that if he feels something for one girl he has to say it not to hide it. Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Dear Diary, Clay is the reason why I went to that stupid party, alhough he is not one of the reasons why I´m thinking of making that choice of killing myself, you are in the tapes as I thought that you deserved to know. When you read this you will be surprised of how I feel about you. You never loved me like I love you, when I went to that party it was all for you and it ...

Viajes y expediciones

En la clase de historia nos dividimos en grupos en los cuales realizamos presentaciones sobre los distintos viajeros y expedicionarios que aparecieron hasta el año 1516. Esta presentacion la hice con Mateo Licusatti, Sofia Ravenna y Tomas Lajnis