
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2015

Review, "The parent trap"

I like this movie because, they don´t know that are twins, because when they don´t know that are twins they hated, and then when know that are twins they don´t hated more. The only part that I don´t like is when Haley and Annie fighting because they don´t know that they are twins. I love the part when Haley say " Annie!! If my mum is your mum, and my dad is your dad, and we born in October 11, so we are sisters!!, no Haley! we are twins! ". This movie is very funny and I recomend for all the people, childrens, adults, familys. This is a classic of Disney Channel.

The story of my life

Dear Diary: My name is Taylor Farravan, I´m 12 years old, I have brown hair and green eyes, I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, Julia have 15 years old, Daisy have 8 years old, Andie have 17 years old and Dave have 13 years old. My father is Roberto and my mother is Marta. I live in England, London. I go to Brikbeck school. I´m fall in love with Mateo David Morris "Matty", he have blond hair, blue eyes and is my best friend, It´s bad that I´m fall in love with him, but I can change It. He have a girlfriend Clara Williams, she go to dance with me, she have blond hair and green eyes, is very beautiful. Matty is very popular, all the girls, fall in love with him, because is beautiful. Like friend he is a very good person, I can tell him all my secrets and he too, he don´t know that I like him, and I don´t think tell. I don´t know why, but If he is angry with me, I feel very bad. I have my friends that always help me, "Bea" and "Charlotte". Bea have brown ...

El Reino de Hades

Hicimos esta presentación (Manuel y Federica) en la clase de Lengua, hablando sobre el Reino del Dios Hades y todo lo relacionado con este dios. Hades Hades tenía muchos familiares bastante conocidos por la mitología griega, por ejemplo Ares , Hermes , Hefesto , Atenea , Apolo , Artemisa , las Cárites , Heracles , Dioniso , Hebe , Perseo y Perséfone eran hijos de Zeus. Algunas versiones de los mitos declaran que Hefesto nació solo de Hera. Hades es uno de los tres soberanos. Después de la victoria contra los titanes, él se le atribuyó el mundo subterráneo, (los infiernos, o el Tártaro). Hades reina sobre las almas de los muertos, siendo un amo despiadado que no permite a ninguno de sus súbditos volver a la tierra. Hades representa los impulsos que hace estallar las fronteras … Hades posee el pelo negro ,siempre recibe sacrificios de animales de color oscuro y de número par. el recibió un gran obsequio de un cíclope , ese tal obsequio es un casco que lo convie...

3 passages (from "The Black Cat")

 3 passages (from "The black cat"): 1-He dipresed all the time and come nervious. 2- He`s a very good friend with Pluto. No, only because he is all the time with the cat. 3-Yes, the cat have justice.

The wife`s journal

Wife´s Journal: Dear Diary. Today I was in a kitchen, and I went out when I was in the garden, I set a chair and I drink café and I watch my husband drunk I ask What happen to him and he puting down me, I get scared and I get inside, I don´t know what is going to happen. He looks evil and wild.  Good Night diary