
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2015

Distintas historias, con echos similares

En la historia Más allá de los sueños, el personaje principal se llama Christy y su esposa  se llamaba Anne, se conocieron en un lago mientras navegaban. Pasaron los años y se casaron y tuvieron dos hijos, Marie y Jean. Un día  los hijos estaban yendo al colegio y tuvieron un accidente y fallecieron. En la historia Orfeo y Euridice, los personajes se conocen en las praderas y se enamoran al instante, y deciden casarse, en el día de la boda Eurídice muere. Las similitudes que se presentan en los dos mitos son que, se conocen y se enamoran al instante, se casan, en los dos mitos mueren, y los dos hombres van a rescatar a sus mujeres al infierno. Cuando Eurídice muere a Orfeo no le parecía justo entonces decidió ir a buscarla a el infierno  de Hades, tuvo que ir en un bote dirigido por un barquero llamado Caronte, que se dirigía hacia el infierno, cuando finalmente llegó se abrieron las dos puertas y enfrente estaban Perséfone, a su lado el repulsivo can cerebro a...

Figurative Language

A figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as. Comparing two things by using one kind of object or using in place of another to suggest the likeness between them. Big exaggeration, usually with humor Giving something human qualities. The language peculiar to a group of people.


Alumno Palabra Significado Mateo g Blogger Blogger es una red social donde podes publicar lo que quieras y que otros lo puedan ver y comentar. Es una carpeta digital. Agus M Blog        Un Blog es un sitio web donde podes publicar cosas por ejemplo algo sobre vos, sobre tu trabajo, etc, y también lo pueden ver otras personas y también podes tenerlo en privado. Franco entrada Es una publicación de un tema específico que se queda guardado en tu blog. En ella podés publicar videos, fotos o textos. Cada entrada tiene una URL específica. bautista.P etiqueta la etiqueta clasifica, Te ayuda a ordenar las publicaciones en un blog, así es fácil encontrarlas. En las redes sociales significa enmarcar en una foto a una persona. Bruno Etiquetar en blogger Etiquetar en blogger es clasificar tu trabajo en materias, años o cursos mediante etiquetas. Pedro etiquetar en redes sociales Agregar el nombre de alguien a una foto ...

Mapa de Egipto Antiguo


Mapa de la Mesopotamia


Story Writing

  Some days ago. Eduard and Robert, have 14 years old, Eduard had brown hair and green eyes and Robert had blond hair and blue eyes, from St. Michael´s college, went to MacDuck’s Fast Food shop. The restaurant was crowded and noisy. It was hot and stuffy. After of the school the boys go to the MacDuck`s. When they are eating, starting to chatting and the manager say to the boys “Can you stop chatting, please?”, so Eduard say to Robert “I don`t care what say the manager, continue talking”. Robert said "stop talking, but we will punish". Then the manager punishment to the boys for don`t do that the manager say. And Robert said to Eduard “All is your fall, for not stop talking”. The boys go to the office of the discipline master and put a suspension for two days.

Summary of "Native Americans"

Many scientists think that the earliest people travelled from Asia (many thousand years ago) to North America.  At that time, the water that separates the northern parts of Asia and North America would have been frozen. The earliest North Americans were nomads. After a time, they began to learn about agriculture. Then with better sources of food, they didn´t need to move place to place for eat, so they began to look for more permanent homes. They wanted to live near water sources, for they could water their crops and take care of the water needs of living beings. The clothing they wore, the kind of houses and the king of food that they ate depended upon the region in which they lived.

Summary of " The Tortoise"

A Tortoise lived in a pond with two Ducks. The Tortoise liked to talk. After many years, the pond became in a dry season. The two Ducks decided to fly another region. First the Ducks went to say good-bye to the tortoise, and the tortoise said  "Oh, don't leave me behind", and the Ducks said that the tortoise can go with we, but without speaking, "If you open your mouth, you are lost." they said.  When they came the village square, the people shouted "Look at the Ducks carrying a Tortoise!"  Then the tortoise forgot everything and said "Hush, you foolish people!" She opened her mouth,—and fell to the ground. And that was the end of the Tortoise.