The goodbye
There was a woman called Karen,wo had a girl without planning it, but when the father of the girl got know about this he disapears and never returned. Karen stayed alone with the baby, but she didn´t know how to take care of her, so she started looking for a family but no one wanted her. She took care of her the first five years, so when she got five years, her father apeared, wanting to know the girl. Karen thought, "I can pretend that i´m not mad with him, that i forgive him, and then steal his money". The father stayed living with Karen and the child, but one day, Karen started planning how she was going to steal the money, and what to do when she got it. The father went out to buy some dinner so, meanwhile Karen went to his bedroom and started looking for the money, and when she got it, she would get out from the country with the child, but when she was preparing the suitcase the father returned and saw her, so, he got angry and got the girl disapearing. And lefting...