The fresh water on Earth have different uses, here there are different examples about them. Also, there is a video which leads a message, which all of us should be aware of. Uses Example Domestic In the home and forwastedisposal (forcooking, fordrinking, to take a shower, etc.) Industrial Itisusedforcooling, as in powerstations and Steel Works, formixinganmakingproducts and forbottling and canning in food and drink industries Agricultural Forirrigation The video is the perfect example to show how the availability of water varies from place to place. Here we can see, a girl that lives in a water-poor country and a boy who lives in a water-rich country. In my opinion, as in all of the water rich countries, the boy has a completely acces to fresh and healty water, with loss of diseases, so when he travels to the girl's country, he realizes the bad conditions the water is in there, and gives to the little girl, pota...